Notations based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act

Name of Business

Medical Corporation Miraie Green Town Clinic

Name of Representative

Yoshihito Inakuma

Address of Business

Mederu Chitose, 1-3-30 Midori-cho, Chitose-shi, Hokkaido 066-0074

Telephone Number


Application Validity Period

The application is valid until the time of the appointment. If you do not show up for your appointment by this time, we will assume that you do not intend to see the doctor, and your appointment will be automatically cancelled.


Prices shown for medical fees include tax.
You will be notified by e-mail after the credit card transaction is completed.

Other Fees Required to Use the Service

Communication charges for Internet use.
Mobile data communication fees may apply for mobile device use.

Terms of Return

Due to the nature of the service, returns are not acceptable.

Payment Method and Deadline

Payment can be made by credit card, etc., and will be made after the medical examination.

Method and Timing of Service Provision

On the day of the application